Can Hearing Loss Be Cured?

Older man staring out of the window wondering is his hearing will come back

How Your Body Recovers From Injury and Sickness

The physical body normally has the ability to recuperate from cuts, scratches, and broken bones, although the recovery process could vary in duration depending on the injury.
But you’re out of luck when it concerns repairing the tiny little hairs in your ears.
Up to this point, at least.
Animals can repair damage to the cilia in their ears and get their hearing back, but people don’t have that ability (although scientists are tackling it).
If you damage the hearing nerves or the little hairs, you could experience irreversible hearing loss.

At What Point Does Hearing Loss Become Irreversible?

Upon discovering hearing loss, the first concern that usually arises is whether the hearing will be restored.
Whether it will or not depends on a variety of factors.

There are a couple of basic kinds of hearing loss:

  • Obstruction-based loss of hearing: When there’s something blocking your ear canal, you can experience all of the symptoms of hearing loss.
    Debris, earwax, and tumors are some of the things that can cause a blockage.
    Your hearing typically returns to normal after the blockage is eliminated, and that’s the good news.
  • Hearing loss caused by damage: But there’s another, more widespread type of hearing loss that makes up around 90 percent of hearing loss.
    This particular form of hearing loss, known as sensorineural hearing loss in medical terms, is usually permanent.
    Here’s the way it works: tiny hairs in your ear vibrate when struck with moving air (sound waves).
    These vibrations are then modified, by your brain, into signals that you perceive as sound.
    But your hearing can, over time, be permanently harmed by loud noises.
    Sensorineural hearing loss can also be triggered by injury to the inner ear or nerve.
    A cochlear implant can help bring back hearing in some cases of hearing loss, particularly in severe cases.

A hearing examination will help you determine whether hearing aids will help strengthen your hearing.

Solutions for Improving Your Hearing

Sensorineural hearing loss currently can’t be cured.
But it might be possible to get effective treatment.
Advantages of correct treatment for your well-being:

  • Maintain a good total standard of living and well-being.
  • Effectively manage any symptoms of hearing loss that you might be experiencing.
  • Preserve and protect the hearing you still have.
  • Preserve connections and community involvement to avoid feelings of loneliness and disconnection.
  • Prevent mental deterioration.

The kind of treatment you get for your hearing loss will vary depending on the extent of the problem.
One of the most prevalent treatment options is fairly simple: hearing aids.

What Part do Hearing Aids Play in Dealing With Hearing Impairment?

Individuals going through hearing loss can make use of hearing aids to detect sounds which will allow them to function more effectively.
Tiredness is the result when the brain struggles to hear.
As scientists develop more insights, they have recognized a greater threat of mental decline with a consistent lack of cognitive input.
Hearing aids help you restore your cognitive function by allowing your ears to hear once more.
Research has revealed that using hearing aids can significantly delay cognitive decline, with some research suggesting a decrease of up to 75%.
Contemporary hearing aids will also allow you to pay attention to what you want to hear while tuning out background sounds.

The Best Defense is Prevention

If you take away one thing from this little lesson, hopefully, it’s this: you should protect the hearing you have because you can’t count on recovering from hearing loss. If an object becomes lodged in your ear canal, it can usually be safely removed.
However, this doesn’t decrease the danger posed by high-volume noises, which can be harmful even if they don’t seem excessively loud to you.
That’s why making the effort to protect your ears is a smart plan.
If you are ever diagnosed with hearing loss later in life, you will have more treatment possibilities if you take steps to protect your hearing today.
Receiving treatment can enable you to live a fulfilling life, even if complete recovery is not achievable.
To determine what your best option is, schedule an appointment with our hearing care specialist.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.


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    Tampa, FL

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